Middleton Garden Center Hours: OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9AM TO 6PM AND SUNDAY 10AM TO 5PM Closed on Easter Sunday

The Bruce Company Blog

we are so ready for spring!

April’s crazy temperature swings had gardeners racing from the urge to get tomatoes in the ground to the scrambling to dig up floating row covers and empty utility pots from the back of the garage. I don’t believe that there is any group of folks more obsessed with...

our spring watchword? patience!

Gardeners are not the kind of folks who enjoy being cooped up in the house all winter. When the weather finally breaks, and plants begin to emerge from dormancy, it’s understandable that we are eager to greet every new shoot and admire every swelling bud. But, we can...

is spring here to stay?

Last weekend’s really warm days gave us a taste of the summer to come, but the unseasonably high temps should moderate for the next few days to something more seasonal. I’ve always maintained that gardeners are the most optimistic folks on earth and, no matter what...

beauty can be fleeting

Every spring, gardeners hold their collective breath as we wait for the first green shoots pushing through the warming soil. To be a perennial gardener in this climate requires great faith in your choices. It seems miraculous that fragile perennial plants and very...

be vwery quiet

My whiskers twich when you’re not watching- My ears flick like weather vanes. My eyes grow round and rounder, I hippety-hop along the rows. Sometimes I nibble cabbage. Sometimes I nap amid the squash. When the sun shines, my coat turns to rust. But when the moon...

tasty reasons to garden

There are great reasons to grow your vegetables from seed because you have are so many more choices when you’re buying seeds. Let’s start with taste and depth of selection. Ordinarily, the Garden Center has 50 or so varieties of tomato seedlings on order. If you look...

a taste of spring

Happy Vernal Equinox! We certainly had a beautiful day for it. And remember March 1st? Mild temps. Sun. Definitely lamb weather! And despite a few chilly, windy days and tonight’s forecasted snow, the month so far has held to that gentle, lamb-like vibe. Wisconsin’s...

why plant a butterfly garden?

Learn About Butterflies Day was last week It always reminds us that the battle between strength and fragility is not better illustrated more clearly than by a butterfly. About 130 of these brightly colored beauties can be spotted during the spring and summer in...

bring the spring inside

A beautiful vase of flowers is a perfect remedy for chasing away the late winter blues when all we really want is to see is the light of spring at the end of winter’s tunnel. So how can you add the color and fragrance of flowers to your home without breaking the bank?...

now you see spring-now you don’t

As winter recedes, each sign of spring seems more symbolic than the last. And this year’s teasing tone has made all of us more than a little crazy. Personally, I’m longing for thunderstorms instead of snow showers. The sandhill crane’s raspy call or the melodious song...
grow your own and share!

grow your own and share!

written by Lisa Briggs
The popularity of vegetable gardening shows no signs of plateauing, and that makes your goal of eating in a more seasonal and local way easier than ever. Growers are introducing lots of new, and older but new to you varieties.

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what’s a gardener to do?

what’s a gardener to do?

written by Lisa Briggs
No one wants to be the first to say it, but here we go. The Solstice was a couple weeks ago and even though we are still under the spell of the dog days, astronomically summer is on the wane.

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can we garden for the birds?

can we garden for the birds?

written by Lisa Briggs
It’s hard to imagine a yard without our fine feathered friends. A key to getting birds to linger in your landscape is to give them what they want – food, water, nesting materials and cover.

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rain, rain, don’t go away

rain, rain, don’t go away

Mid-summer is an especially nice time to start a garden journal. Your what-to-do-in-the-garden-today lists have shortened and everything is just so beautiful. It can be helpful to make notes of particular diseases or pests that may haunt your yard year after year....

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the worst day of the summer?

the worst day of the summer?

written by Lisa Briggs
Before their accidental importation to the United States, probably as grubs in the soil of imported iris, Japanese beetles were found only on the islands of Japan, isolated by water and kept in check by natural predators.

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time to board the spring seesaw

time to board the spring seesaw

written by Lisa Briggs
May is usually a gardener’s favorite time, and this year even more so! The seesaw spring had spring flowers developing in fits and starts, but the warm temps late last week pushed many plants hard, all at once.

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reasons to grow your own

reasons to grow your own

written by Lisa Briggs
Did you read the book, The $64 Tomato… by William Alexander? Written in 2006, it was a tongue-in-cheek treatise on vegetable gardening, bemoaning the money spent to get one ripe tomato.

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